Carrying on Tradition
Sharing a Solution for Timeless Natural Skin Care
I returned to Costa Rica and began using it on my skin. After a few months the soars began to dissolve. I continued using it for 5 years before I told anyone. I started to share it with a few friends who had sun damage, and they all had great results. I met a worker who sprayed chemicals for a banana company for 10 years which caused open sore lesions on both of his forearms. The lesions were about 1 inch in diameter and oozing blood. He told me he had been to many doctors and taken all types of pills and injections. Nothing worked. I gave him a bottle of Satori Skin Solution and told him to apply it twice a day. I didn’t think it would work on something so severe. I went back to visit him a few months later and his skin looked like baby skin with no scars.
What is Satori Skin Solution? Mother nature’s perfect blend of powerful healing herbs, spices, and oils formulated in a special process to create a natural solution to many skin ailments.
Who can benefit from Satori Skin Solution? Surfers, lifeguards, fishermen,
What are the origins of the Satori Skin Solution formula? The formula for Satori Skin Solution dates back over 2500 years, and was among scriptures that were written on palm leaves and put into books called olas. It’s an ancient Sri Lankan science called Deha Dhamma (divine body care).
Why is it important for people to use Satori Skin Solution? Satori Skin Solution is 100% natural with no side affects, all the ingredients have great healing properties and formulated together it becomes a great helper for many skin ailments. It has been known to help dissolve some pre-cancerous growths and extensive skin damage from sun exposure, and many other skin ailments.
Our mission at Satori Skin Solution is to help carry on a small part of the Deha Dhama tradition for the great herbalist and mentor who shared this powerful medicine with me. Helping people naturally.
– Eugene Mitchell, Founder, Satori Skin Solution
the tradition continues
experience skin care rooted in ancient deha dhama tradition
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